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Sports Physical / Injury

Pediatrics for all and peds urgent care have a great sports physical program so that kids are cleared to participate in any school or club sports they may need, Pediatrics for all and peds urgent have participated in sports health clinics in which pediatrics for all and peds urgent care has been able to provide thousands of free physicals to children in need of physical checks. Pediatrics for all and peds urgent care has great urgent care with radiologists on call for any and all sports injuries. Pediatrics for all and peds urgent care have created a great relationship with local physical therapists so that your child quickly returns back to sports.

9 Most Common Sports Injuries in Children are Ankle Sprains, ACL Tears, Osgood-Schlatter, Little League Elbow, Little League Shoulder, Shin Splints, Spondylolysis, Turf Toe, and Concussion.

Pediatrics for all and peds urgent care is well prepared for this kind of injuries and allows your child to get back into the game fast and safe

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